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GAL Investigations: Don't Say THIS
Guardian ad Litem Investigations: The #1 Thing to Avoid - Columbia SC Divorce Attorney
Unstable Mom Won’t Cooperate With GAL But Doesn’t Understand Why She Still Has Supervised Visits!
Winning a Custody Battle - Tips for a GAL (Guardian ad Litem) investigation - Ryan Kalamaya
GAL's (Guardian ad Litems): How I made mine look stupid -- why won't you attack yours?
Tips for a GAL (Guardian ad Litem) Investigation in Massachusetts
How to Deal with a Negative GAL Report
Meet me and my squad #shorts
Part 3 | Invasive Procedures | Fear Itself
The Guardian Ad Litem, The Interview, and Responding to GAL’s Recommendations
Guardian Ad Litem (GAL)
Unstable Mom Won’t Cooperate With GAL But Doesn’t Understand Why She Still Has Supervised Visits!